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A new lateraity valoration test for Physical Education professionals
Mª Carmen Mayolas Pi
Talent detection o development? Factors which motivate a new orientation of the process of talent detection
Alberto Lorenzo Calvo
Condicionants: concetation and imposition in the motor creativity development
Napoleón Murcia Peña
Representation of the body in the imagined court of Alfonso X “El Sabio”. Corporal education and legitimation of the excellence in the “Segunda Partida”
Miguel Vicente Pedraz
Evolution of professinal trends of the entitled in physical education and sciences of physical activity and sport from 1975 to present day
José María González Ravé,
Onofre R. Contreras Jordán
Study of the cognitive processes developed by the athlete during decision takin
Perla Moreno Arroyo,
Juan Pedro Fuentes,
Fernando del Villar Álvarez,
Damián Iglesias,
José Antonio Julián Clemente
Interdisciplinary evaluation and treatment of phobic disturbances in the context of of physical activity and sport: presentation of a case of physical stress phobia
Fernando Gimeno Marco,
Francisco José Sarasa Oliván
An ethonographic study about beach volleyball
David Mata Verdejo
The rarámuri race as a metaphor of cultural resitance
Ángel Acuña Delgado
Relationship between motor development and intellectual development. An empirical study
Josep Morales Aznar
Sport as a tool of pedagogical-social intervention in the field of social exclusion
José Manuel Rodríguez Rodríguez
Meassurement of rythm by means of a computer program.Application in musicians and gymnasts
María José Montilla Reina