Representation of the body in the imagined court of Alfonso X “El Sabio”. Corporal education and legitimation of the excellence in the “Segunda Partida”

Miguel Vicente Pedraz

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Vicente Pedraz, M. (2003). Representation of the body in the imagined court of Alfonso X "El Sabio". Corporal education and legitimation of the excellence in the "Segunda Partida". Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 73, 6-18.



“Las siete partidas” of Alfonso X, consist of a heterogenous series of laws that surpass the legislative boundaries to form a political, moral and courtly treaty. Within the design of society and court that the work consists of, especially interesting is the “Segunda Partida”, whose theme can be understood as “a regiment of kings” including a “decalogue or corporal education” and an “treatise on chivalry”. In these, the author gives form and legal rights to the ethos corporalizado of the mobility. With reference to the theory of the process of civilisation by Norbert Elias, in this article we analyse the definers of this ethos, as well as the educative process through which the Spanish King prepared its carrying out. At the same time, we try to emphyasise the determining factor of the work of Alfonso in the construction of the literary and social imagery of courtly chivalry in the Spanish Middle ages. In this sense, on the one hand, we refer to the ethic and emotional significances. underlying the idea of chivalry as to its social category and, on the other hand, the corporal manifestations in which obviously we express these significations, especially the expressions of palace living, the scenography, ever more codified, of the gestures and attitudes.

Keywords: Alfonso X, Corporal Representation, Courtesy, Education of Princes, Middle Ages.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: July 01, 2003