Knowledge at the athlete’s service
Josep Roca
Risk management in active tourism companies
Pedro Jesús Jiménez Martín,
Vicente Gómez Encinas
Bussiness behaviour with matters of sport sponsorization
Otilio Gómez Parro
An ethonographic study about beach volleyball
David Mata Verdejo
The rarámuri race as a metaphor of cultural resitance
Ángel Acuña Delgado
Evolutionary development and determining parameters
Mª Luisa Rivadeneyra
Sport, active lifestyle, and population: considerations through judo
Guillermo Torres,
Josep Lluís Castarlenas
School, reason, and passion. A school world objectivated by the nowadays boy, girl, and adolescent around Physical Education class. A formation process
Luis Guillermo Jaramillo E.
A permanent model formation of the football coach
José María Yagüe Cabezón,
Antonio Fraile-Aranda,
Martín Rodríguez Rojo
Spanish high level tennis coaches’ perception about their permanent formation: actual situation and future perspectives
Juan Pedro Fuentes,
David Sanz Rivas,
Luis A. Ramos Mondéjar,
Damián Iglesias,
Fernando del Villar Álvarez
La doble cara del doping / Importancia del control del dopaje / Sin querer entrar en una polémica… Comentario al artículo del Dr. Segura
Jesús Galilea Muñoz
Sport can also inspire music (I). Erik Satie: Vexations – Gymnopèdies – Sports et Divertissements
Ramon Balius
Problemas y problemáticas en el campo disciplinar de la Educación Física
Oscar Minkévich
El deporte para M. Vázquez Montalbán
Joan Rius