El siglo XX y el deporte: balance y perspectivas
Javier Olivera Betrán
Method of analysis of the swimmer’s technique
Andreu Roig,
Ventura Ferrer,
Xavier Balius,
Carles Turró,
Xantal Borràs
Comparative analysis of teaching techniques in the initiation of skating floorball
Antonio Méndez-Giménez
Participation in school sport and selfconcept in 10 to 11 year old scholars of the province of Guipúzcoa
Alfredo Goñi Grandmontagne,
Luis M. Zulaika Isasti
Aproximation to a physical activity and sport story through the analysis of the bibliographic sources (1800-1939)
Xavier Torrebadella Flix
Strategies to increase the motor practice time in Physical Education clases
José Ángel Olmedo Ramos
Anthropometric longitudinal study in 9 to 12 year old scholars from Malaga
José Ramón Alvero Cruz,
Luis Ruiz Rodríguez,
Juan Torres Guerrero,
Jesús Barrera
Prevention of durg dependance through cooperative risk and adventure activities
José Manuel Rodríguez Gimeno,
Elena de la Puente Fra,
José Luis González Montesinos,
Ismael González Millán
Postural education in primary. Proposal of a methodology and example
Xavier Aguado,
Joan Riera,
Ana Fernández Ordóñez
Manuel Estiarte: El mejor deportista del mundo
Mario Lloret
Motricidad… ¿Quién eres?
Ana Rey Cao,
Eugenia Trigo Aza
Proceso de individualización, género y deporte
Núria Puig
El deporte en el museo Hokusai, Chillida y el Sumo
R. Balius Juli