Postural education in primary. Proposal of a methodology and example

Xavier Aguado

Joan Riera

Ana Fernández Ordóñez

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Aguado Jódar, X., Riera Riera, J., & Fernández Ordóñez, A. (2000). Postural education in primary. Proposal of a methodology and example. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 59, 55-60.



Despite the fact that today in different ambits we recognise the importance of postural education, this continues to be unrealised in schools. In this article we justify the need for school postural education and propose to treat it from the point of view of physical education. We hope, from this, to educate the student in the different daily postures that he will use throughout his life, with the aim of profiting from the various situations of work, leisure and rest, avoiding tiredness and possible injuries. The article contains, as well as a justification of the theme, a methodological proposal and a session, as an example, within a didactic unity of postural education, of the handling of backpacks.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2000