Prevention of durg dependance through cooperative risk and adventure activities

José Manuel Rodríguez Gimeno

Elena de la Puente Fra

José Luis González Montesinos

Ismael González Millán

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Rodríguez Gimeno, J. M., de la Puente Fra, E., González Montesinos, J. J., & González Millán, I. (2000). Prevention of durg dependance through cooperative risk and adventure activities. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 59, 46-54.



Due to the important social presence of drugs these days, some control of the prevention of drug addiction is necessary, especially in school circles. This intervention must be made starting from the basis of what is necessary to accustom young people to live in a world of drugs and find other ways of obtaining the satisfaction and the sensations they seem to promise to all of society and specially the young.
In this article, we analyse, first of all, the possible personality profiles of those who practise risk activities, comparing them with some features of drug addicts personalities. We find that the search for sensations appears as something distinctive in both groups, for which we plant the possibility of substituting drugs for other similar emotions, furnished by risk. activities.
We have studied the benefits to be obtained from co-operative physical activities, and we analyse the possible contribution of co-operative risk activities in reaching the objectives implanted by PIPES (Integral Plan of School Prevention).
Finally, we propose a plan of intervention in prevention based on the formative qualities of the co-operative activities of risk.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2000