Is Artificial Intelligence an educational resource in Physical Education? A systematic review
Josep Bofill,
Gil Pla-Campas,
Enric M. Sebastiani
Impact of the Attitudinal Style on High School Students’ Motivation in Physical Education
José Luis Álvarez-Sánchez,
Miguel Ángel Tapia-Serrano,
Jessenia Hernández-Elizondo,
David Hortigüela-Alcalá,
Ángel Pérez-Pueyo
A multivariate analysis of physical fitness and competitive performance in young handball players
Roger Font,
Claude Karcher,
Victor Tremps,
Alfredo Irurtia Amigó
A proposal for load monitoring in basketball based on the joint use of four low-cost tools
Roberto Molina,
Daniel Lapresa,
Javier Arana,
Ildefonso Álvarez-Marín,
Hugo Salazar
An observational analysis of an extreme skateboarding style: downhill skateboarding
Saül Aixa-Requena,
Oleguer Camerino,
Xavier Iglesias
How do coaches convey their instructions? An analysis of content and associated emotions
Lídia Ordeix,
Carme Viladrich,
Saül Alcaraz
Bullying and training: perspective of university teachers in Physical Education and sports
Evelyn Ríos-Valdés,
Xènia Ríos,
Maria Prat Grau,
Gonzalo Flores-Aguilar,
Carles Ventura