El deporte y su idoneidad en el diseño curricular de la educación física
Javier Olivera Betrán
Analysis of the parameters space and time in indoor football
José Hernández Moreno
Orientations for planification of training with kids
Santiago Ramos Bermúdez,
Javier Taborda Chaurra
A simple methodology for the cinematic analysis in two dimensions: unbalance and take-off of the somersault from the ground
Alejandro Gutiérrez Vélez,
Elisa Estapé tous
Feminine physical education during the years under Franco. The feminine section
María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez
Motor creativity evaluation: a concept to build up
Napoleón Murcia Peña
The importance of force training as a mean of compensation and adaptation
Francisco Ávila Romero,
Francisco Javier Moreno Hernández
Analysis of the metabolic requirements of tennis
Josep Comellas,
Pablo López de Viñaspre
Position repercussions with sctretches in body flex
Pedro Luis Rodríguez García,
Fernando Santonja Medina
Study plan content of the Sciences of the Physical Activity and Sport degree in Spain
Iván López Fernández,
Pedro Almendral Lara
Lets dance to the rythm of Hip Hop
Juan Ortí Ferreres,
Jordi Balaguer Vives
The incidence of the physical-sport practice of the parents towards their children during childhood and adolescence
Antonio J. Casimiro Andújar,
Maurice Piéron
Climbing and adventure activities: carrying out lucid and ludic dreams
Alcyane Marinho
Información sobre deporte femenino: el gran olvido
Eugenia Ibáñez
El deporte también puede inspirar poesía – Apunts 65
R. Balius Juli
El secreto del origen de nuestra portada