Feminine physical education during the years under Franco. The feminine section

María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez

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Zagalaz Sánchez, M. L. (2001). Feminine physical education during the years under Franco. The feminine section. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 65, 6-16.



In this work we have tried to collect together the historical evolution of women’s physical education, especially during Franco’s dictatorship, in which the female section tool charge of women’s education, as established by law. It is for this reason that the article is distributed in different parts, taking into account the introduction of legal aspects and previous contributions that notable women and institutions in different fields have made. A second part, studies and analysis the female section, from 1934 to 1977, its contributions to women’s education in general, reclaiming the opinions of different authors on this subject and specially their physical education, in the following divisions (beginnings, teacher’s training courses, sport and physical education…) concluding with the most outstanding aspects of research (the political side of PE during these times, the special characteristics of the teacher’s training and the specific contents of women’s physical education) and also we emphasise the contradictions in the performance of the female section throughout its existence.

Keywords: Female Section, History and Education, Sport, Women’s Physical Education.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 01, 2001