Sport, between Local and Global: a European look?
Rui Machado Gomes,
Núria Puig
Figurational/Process-Sociological Reflections on Sport and Globalisation: Some Conceptual-Theoretical Observations with Special Reference to the ‘Soccer’ form of Football
Eric Dunning
The Global and the Local in Sports Technology
Klaus Heinemann
The glocalising duality of contemporary sport
Manuel García Ferrando
Sport and leisure in times of global tourism
Rui Machado Gomes
‘Sport’ in Germany: From an ontological category to a concept of the present time
Klaus Willimczik
From international and national sport policies to local social actions
Antonio Borgogni
Contents and Patterns of the Construction of Sports Reporting in Print media – Results of an international comparing Survey
Thomas Horky
The Mediatisation of Sports Women with Disability. Newspapers Analysis from Four European Countries during the Sydney’s 2000 Paralympics Games
Eric de Léséleuc,
Pappous Athanasios,
Anne Marcellini
Interview to Pere Miró, Director of Olympic Solidarity and Director of the Relations between the International Olympic Committee and the National Olympic Committees
Núria Puig,
Anna Vilanova-Soler