The Society of Information. Nowadays Analysis and Challenges
Javier Olivera Betrán
Effects of the Dynamic Systems Theory on the study of human motricity
Carlota Torrents Martín,
Natàlia Balagué
Trunk muscular activity during situations requiring stabilization of the spine. A case study
Francisco J. Vera-García,
Janice M. Moreside,
Belén Flores-Parodi,
Stuart M. McGill
Analysis of contributions to congresses of the knowledge area of ‘Didactics of Body Expression’ (1990-2000)
Víctor Pérez Samaniego
Values on guard
Xavier Iglesias,
Blanca Anguera Blanch,
Carles González-Arévalo
The influence of the practice of football in the evolution of the strenght, the flexibility and the speed in schoolboys
Silvia Sedano,
Gonzalo Cuadrado Sáenz,
Juan Carlos Redondo
Analysis of maximum strength training acute adaptations through the study of upper body mechanical performance changes
Eliseo Iglesias Soler,
Iván Clavel San Emeterio,
Óscar Carballo Iglesias,
Jorge Dopico Calvo,
José Luis Tuimil López
Effect of mechanical vibrations on strength training
Pedro Manonelles Marqueta,
Luis Giménez Salillas,
Javier Álvarez Medina,
Blas García Rivas
Acute residual effects of mechanic vibrations on vertical jump
Esmeraldo Martínez Pardo,
Luis Carrasco Páez,
Pedro Emilio Alcaraz Ramón,
Antonio Brunet Gómez,
Carolina Nadal Soler
Discriminant analysis of game-related statistics between guards, forwards and centres in men basketball
Miguel Ángel Gómez-Ruano,
Alberto Lorenzo Calvo
Expectations of the direct and indirect users of the sport services, in school age, in an Aragonese region
Alberto Nuviala Nuviala,
Francisco Ruiz Juan,
M.ª Elena Garcia Montes
Physical fitness evolution of infantile, cadet and junior female handball players
Helena Vila Suárez,
Juan J. Fernández Romero,
Ferran A. Rodríguez
Our front pages
Ramon Balius
El triatlón como modelo de sistema deportivo en el contexto nacional español e internacional. Determinantes para su desarrollo y la consecución del éxito
Germán Ruiz Tendero
Microsistemas deportivos de alto nivel. Un estudio descriptivo de clubes de karate de elite de España
Juan José Salinero Martín