Participation in school sport and selfconcept in 10 to 11 year old scholars of the province of Guipúzcoa

Alfredo Goñi Grandmontagne

Luis M. Zulaika Isasti

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Goñi Grandmontaigne, A., & Zulaika Isasti, L. M. (2000). Participation in school sport and selfconcept in 10 to 11 year old scholars of the province of Guipúzcoa. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 59, 6-10.



It is expected that school sport will contribute to the integral development of people and will produce the benefits assigned to physical exercise and sport; but it is also known that its educational value will depend in a large way on how this is designed and directed.
It this study the relation existing between the practice of school sport and self awareness has been measured from an example of 153 students that is representative of the make-up of the first course of the 3rd. Cycle of Primary Education (N=7527 subjects) from public colleges in the province of Guipuzcoa.
The results, which certify to a greater development in self-awareness in males and in permanent players, invite a reflection on the attention given to girls, substitutes and those who do not participate in this activity.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2000