Study of the valoration which 8th and 11th graders have about the concepts in Physical Education

José Luis Pinar Lorente

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Pinar Lorente, J. L. (2003). Study of the valoration which 8th and 11th graders have about the concepts in Physical Education. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 73, 58-67.



Teachers and students agree that, regarding Physical Education, proceedings are predominant over conceptions and attitudes. However, we teachers do not know the importance that students attach to matters connected with conceptual subjects, such as theoretical classes, notes, textbooks, written tests, etc. A part of this work tries to find out the student of Physic Education, from the secound cycle of ESO and the first year of Bachillerato opinions and evaluations on these topics.

Keywords: Conceptions, Conceptual Subjects, Physical Education.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: July 01, 2003