U8 Football Training: Optimising Educational Potential

Abel Merino Orozco

Ana Arraiz Pérez

Fernando Sabirón Sierra

*Corresponding author: Abel Merino Orozco abmerino@unizar.es

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Merino Orozco, A., Arraiz Pérez, A., & Sabirón Sierra, F. (2018). U8 Football Training: Optimising Educational Potential. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 133, 68-84. https://doi.org/10.5672/apunts.2014-0983.es.(2018/3).133.05



Football has a special place in the range of physical and sporting activities in the U8 age bracket which supplement formal education. The training style of teams in this scenario impacts the comprehensive development of their players. This study explores the training style to optimise the educational potential of institutionalised proposals in U8 football. An ethnographic case study design is presented using participant observation methodology along with qualitative image data in two football teams for seven-year-olds as an additional technique. The results highlight the inherence of a team identity based on team-building, cooperation and individuality; the use of a strategy to achieve victory; the need for discipline undertaken by family members; and the use of endemic jargon. The study concludes with five proposals aimed at optimising U8 football to enhance its educational potential for children through cooperation, fostering personalised training opportunities and adult exemplification.

Keywords: School Sport, Social and Ethical Education, Sportsmanship, Training Style, U8 Football.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: April 8, 2017

Accepted: October 6, 2017

Published: July 01, 2018