The Assessment of Perceived Service Quality as a Key Element for Managing Golf Clubs in Spain

Virginia Serrano Gómez

Antonio Rial Boubeta

Óscar García García

Antonio Hernández-Mendo

*Corresponding author: Óscar García García

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Serrano Gómez, V., Rial Boubeta, A., García García, O., & Hernández Mendo, A. (2010). The Assessment of Perceived Service Quality as a Key Element for Managing Golf Clubs in Spain. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 102, 95-105.



The purpose of this study was to conduct an empirical analysis of the management, modelling and measurement of perceived service quality in golf clubs in Spain. The ultimate goal is to be able to develop and refine tools that are useful at the practical level for identifying weaknesses in their service and setting out improvements designed to increase customer satisfaction and help them to retain their members. Information was collected by means of a personal interview and the use of an ad hoc questionnaire given to members of a golf club in La Coruña. The factor analysis results indicate that there are 5 major dimensions: personal, physical condition, organization and management, facilities and ancillary services, and changing rooms and lockers. However, the linear regression analysis carried out shows that two of them (organization and management and physical condition) are the ones with greater weight in overall customer satisfaction, which is information of great strategic interest for the club.

Keywords: golf, Quality Scales, Service Quality, Sports Management.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: Febrary 20, 2009

Accepted: March 2, 2009

Published: October 01, 2010