The tip of the iceberg
Javier Olivera Betrán
The meaning of the babies aquatic activities from an evolutionary perspective
Gil Pla i Campàs
Improving concept of healthy habits in children sixth grade through a body expression’s programme
Antonio Som Castillo,
Manuel Delgado Fernández,
Jesús Medina Casaubón
Physical activity and stages of change in infantile population: A study of convergent validity
Marta Montil Jiménez,
Mª Isabel Barriopedro Moro,
Jesús Oliván Mallén
Learning and teaching of basic roller skating skills
Ramon Vila,
Núria Guitart,
Joan Riera,
Jordi Díaz
Activity profile of young soccer players during match play
José C. Barbero Álvarez,
Verónica Barbero Álvarez,
Juan Granda Vera
Is different the behaviour of the professional football players heart rate in competition according to the tactical position of the player in the field?
Óscar García García,
Toni Arda Suárez,
Antonio Rial Boubeta,
Eduardo Domínguez Lago
Team performance in soccer. Modelling the main variables of F.C. Barcelona
Carlos Lago Peñas,
Rafael Martín-Acero ,
Francisco Seirul·lo Vargas
From the Gym to the leisure – health. Centers of Fitness, Fitness Center, Fitness & Wellness, Spa, Thalassotherapy Center
Joaquín Reverter Masià,
Joan Ramon Barbany
That summer of ’92 at INEFC
Ramon Balius
La gestión indirecta de las piscinas cubiertas en la Administración pública local. Análisis comparativo de la oferta en Cataluña
Susana Monserrat Revillo
Las profesoras de Educación física femenina durante el franquismo y el ideal de mujer que se proponía desde Sección Femenina. Análisis de la situación en la provincia de Segovia
Juan Carlos Manrique Arribas