Against nature: men against men
Javier Olivera Betrán
Physical self-concept and body satisfaction in adolescent women according to the type of sport practiced
Igor Esnaola Etxaniz
Physical activity and sports in youth at risk: values education
Pedro Jesús Jiménez Martín,
Luis Javier Durán González
The programation process in the teaching of physical activity and sports
Carles González-Arévalo
Sports participation reasons of Brazilian kids according to their ages
Félix Gullén García,
Gilmar Weis,
Manuel Navarro Valdivieso
Physical condition valoration in high level field hockey players
Diego Silla Cascales,
Ferran A. Rodríguez
Analysis of the goal keeper’s defensive actions in soccer 7
Pilar Sainz de Baranda,
Enrique Ortega del Toro,
Luis Llopis Portugal,
José Francisco Novo Palacios,
Daniel Rodríguez Muñoz
Human motion of physical activities and sports. Recrative purpose of its practice in our contemporary society
Susana Lapetra Costa,
Roberto Guillén Correas
Reflection about the factores which can condition the development of high level sportsmen
Alberto Lorenzo Calvo,
Jaime Sampaio
Influence of awimming in the psychological well-being in women over the age of 55
Ana María Montaner Sesmero,
Salvador Llana,
Yolanda Moreno Sigüenza,
Ernesto Benedicto Montolio,
Dolores Domínguez Tomás
Da Vinci’s Aeronatics
Ramon Balius
Josep Maria López-Picó, poet
Physical Education in primary education (LOCE). Returning to the traditionalist perspective, psychomotricity and hyegenic of the EF?
Manuel Lizalde Gil,
José Ignacio Salgado López
Las colonias escolares municipales madrileñas (1910-1936)
Juan Félix Rodríguez Pérez
Táctica, técnica y estrategia. Un enfoque funcional
Josep Solà-Santesmases
El desarrollo profesional del entrenador de fútbol base centrado en el trabajo colaborativo en un club amateur
José Antonio Morcillo Losa
Evolución histórica de la Educación Física Especial en la España contemporánea
María Inés García Fernández