Design of Research Projects in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
Enrique Ortega del Toro,
Jesús Salado-Tarodo
Qualitative Methodology in the Study of Traditional Games
Francisco Lagardera,
Pere Lavega-Burgués,
Joseba Etxebeste,
José Ignacio Alonso
Adherence to a Physical Exercise Program in School and Extracurricular Activities
Gustavo González-Calvo,
Daniel Bores-García,
David Hortigüela-Alcalá,
Raúl A. Barba-Martín
Enjoyment and Motivation in an Active Recreation Program
Antonio Méndez-Giménez,
Miguel Pallasá-Manteca
Inclusion of Immigrant Girls and Beliefs of Physical Education Teachers
Carolina Nieva Boza,
Teresa Lleixà Arribas
Teaching and Training of Rugby Coaches in Cadiz
Guillermo López Muñiz,
Esteban Vázquez Cano,
José Carlos Jaenes Sánchez,
Eloy López Meneses
Massage in Cases of Chronic Stress
Yury Rosales Ricardo,
Rosana Acosta,
Enaidy Reynosa Navarro
Game Pattern in Handball According to the Player who Occupies the Centre Back Position
José Flores-Rodríguez,
M. Teresa Anguera
Passing Dynamics in Football According to Ball Recovery
Marc Vivés,
Jordi Martín,
Raúl Hileno,
Carlota Torrents Martín,
Ángel Ric
Formal Continuing Education of Spanish Physical Activity and Sport Instructors
Beatriz Bernabé,
María Dolores González Rivera,
Antonio Campos Izquierdo
Movement: A Language for Growing
Dolors Cañabate,
Jordi Colomer,
Javier Olivera Betrán
Intervention Program with Rhythmic and Choreographic Activities (PIAFARC) in Obese Adults According to Nutritional Monitoring
Cristina Monleón García
Identification of the Active Members of the Spanish Armed Forces who Participated in the 1920 Antwerp Olympics: Study and Analysis of their Sport-Military Characteristics
José Miguel García García