Enjoyment and Motivation in an Active Recreation Program

Antonio Méndez-Giménez

Miguel Pallasá-Manteca

*Corresponding author: Antonio Méndez Giménez mendezantonio@uniovi.es

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Méndez-Giménez, A., & Pallasá-Manteca, M. (2018). Enjoyment and Motivation in an Active Recreation Program. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 134, 55-68. https://doi.org/10.5672/apunts.2014-0983.es.(2018/4).134.04



The objectives of this study are: a) to evaluate the effect of an annual active recreational program on fun, intrinsic motivation, satisfaction of basic psychological needs (interaction, perceived competence and autonomy) and intention to practice; b) to check whether there were differences by sex; and c) to explore the predictive variables of the intention to practice. An active recreation program was implemented in a public school in Asturias (Spain) based on self-constructed materials and a set of children’s games on the playground. Of the 400 students involved, 199 students from 4th to 6th grades (46.2% boys and 53.8% girls; M = 10.29 years old; SD = .97) filled out questionnaires. The students reported high levels on all the variables, and interaction, intrinsic motivation, perceived competence and enjoyment stood out the most. No differences were found between the sexes on any variable. The multiple regression analysis revealed that intrinsic motivation and fun were the only positive predictors of the intention to practice the games in their playground time and after school (R2= .51). The results are discussed in light of self-determination theory. The program, which was task-oriented, was able to affect students’ intrinsic motivation and fun, which predicted the intention to engage in physical activity in the form of games, both in the playground and after school. A satisfactory experience and knowing how to construct materials and paint the play spaces may be the guarantors that these intentions materialize.

Keywords: Active Recreation, Motivation, Motor Play, Regression, Self-Built Materials, Self-Determination.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: November 21, 2016

Accepted: December 20, 2017

Published: October 01, 2018