Effects of Teaching Styles (Cognitive vs. Traditional) Upon Learning of Muscular Anatomy Concepts Among First-Year Secondary School Physical Education Students

José Joaquín Muros Molina

Antonio Som Castillo

Ana Isabel Leyva Rodríguez

Mikel Zabala Díaz

*Corresponding author: José Joaquín Muros Molina jjmuros@ugr.es

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Muros Molina, J. J., Som Castillo, A., Leyva Rodríguez, A. I., & Zabala Díaz, M. (2010). Effects of Teaching Styles (Cognitive vs. Traditional) Upon Learning of Muscular Anatomy Concepts Among First-Year Secondary School Physical Education Students. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 100, 23-31.



Introduction: There is, in principle, no single superior teaching style, but it may be that some of them help students retain information longer. Methodology: This study aim to validate the retention of conceptual nomenclature, location and applications, concerning the muscles of the human body, using two teaching styles during practical Physical Education classes (one, Guided Discovery, and another, Task Assignment), and also to compare them against a third group involving theory without practice, as well as a control group. After eight sessions involving treatment –or the lack of it- its effects were studied, and three months later, the level of retention was measured, among 64 first-year secondary school students. Results: A post-test improvement was noted in the groups in which theory was taught through with practice, regardless of the teaching style. In the group involving the cognitive teaching style, the knowledge was better retained months later in the re-test, while it was seen as significantly reduced in nomenclature and muscular localization in the group using the traditional style. Conclusion: The intervention program was effective, allowing for greater improvement at the theoretical level in those groups in which learning was carried out through practice, compared to the strictly theoretical group. Also, after three months, the group using the cognitive teaching style retained a greater portion of the concepts learned.

Keywords: Anatomy, Concepts, Physical Education, Teaching Styles.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: January 14, 2008

Accepted: February 21, 2008

Published: April 01, 2010