Effect of mechanical vibrations on strength training

Pedro Manonelles Marqueta

Luis Giménez Salillas

Javier Álvarez Medina

Blas García Rivas

*Corresponding author: Pedro Manonelles Marqueta manonelles@telefonica.net

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Manonelles Marqueta, P., Giménez Salillas, L., Álvarez Medina, J., & García Rivas, B. (2007). Effect of mechanical vibrations on strength training. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 87, 73-80.



The work wants to study the performance of a jump on non-trained women with a training on a mechanical vibration plate and their performance related with self-perception and strength. 14 non-trained women were studied.  A Zeptor® vibration plate with two oscillatory plates was used.  The training program was realized in 2 periods for 4 weeks (5 days a week): Period 1: Self-perception training (frec. theta: 3,5-7,5 Hz). Period 2: Strength training (frec. alfa: 7,5-12,5 Hz). Lewis vertical jump test was used due to its evaluation of alactic anaerobic power. The subjects were tested on the 1st, 14th, and 28th days during the study period. The SPSS 11.5 program with descriptive and analytic statistics was used, with t test of Student among paired data.  Statistically significant differences for p ≤ 0,05. A significant increase has been detected (p=0,049) from the first jump test (31,52 ± 5,38) to the second one (33,33 ± 5,47) and a significant increase (p=0,022) from the first test (31,52 ± 5,38) to the third jump test. (33,59 ± 5,36). The training with a mechanical vibration plate makes an improvement on jumps due to an strength increase on extension knee muscles.  

Keywords: Strength, Training, Vibration Plate.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 1, 2007