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Paradigms, “paideia”, and olympic games
Oscar Minkévich
Methodological strategy for a semiologic analysis of dance: the Yu’pa case
Ángel Acuña Delgado
Sport or religion: anthropological analysis of football as a religious phenomena
Roberto Cachan Cruz
analysis of scientific publications about olympics up to 1996: matters, evolution, languages, and types of publication
Juan Rodríguez López,
Luis Carrasco Páez,
Beatriz Guerrero,
Gema Torres Luque,
J. Marcos Montero,
Inmaculada Pérez,
Cecilia Bahamonde
Sport: culture and counterculture. A study through the model of cultural sporting horizons
David Mata Verdejo
The Central School of Gimnastics Teachers (1887-1892)
Pedro Pablo Zorrilla Sanz
Physical activity and sport in the Order of Templar
Jose Aquesolo
Condicionants: concetation and imposition in the motor creativity development
Napoleón Murcia Peña
Influence of nasal band aids on sport performance
Alfonso Blanco Nespereira,
Ignacio Polo Martínez
Trends or directions of contemporary sport in function of the reason for practicing it. An empirical study of the University of Oviedo
José A. Cecchini Estrada,
Antonio Méndez-Giménez,
José Muñiz Fernández
Recreational-cultural aspects in the conception of the body
Carmen Trigueros Cervantes
Fear in motor learning
Marta Zubiaur González,
Alfonso Gutiérrez Santiago