Cardiac frequency study in players of cadet category in official games. Towards a in specifity training

Carlos López Calbet

Francisco López Calbet

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López Calbet, C., & López Calbet, F. (1997). Cardiac frequency study in players of cadet category in official games. Towards a in specifity training. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 48, 62-67.



In this present article we try to analyze heart rate during competition in 14-16 year old players with the idea of obtaining information about how this changes throu- ghout a match and being able to use this information in the training activities in such a way that these have a pattern similar to a game situation and he the most specific possible.
For this we have analyzed 15 players -5 play makers, 5 guards and 5 pivots- by means of a sport tester pulsometer.
We realize that the sample is small to obtain conclusive results, but it serves as a guide.

Keywords: Frecuencia Cardíaca.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 1997