Expectations of the direct and indirect users of the sport services, in school age, in an Aragonese region

Alberto Nuviala Nuviala

Francisco Ruiz Juan

M.ª Elena Garcia Montes

*Corresponding author: Alberto Nuviala Nuviala anuvnuv@upo.es

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Nuviala Nuviala, A., Ruiz Juan, F., & García Montes, M. E. (2007). Expectations of the direct and indirect users of the sport services, in school age, in an Aragonese region. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 87, 93-98.



The object this work is to know the expectations that the direct and indirect users have of utilization of these public services in the Aragonese district Ribera Baja del Ebro. I object the population of study he is composed of the total of pupils enrolled in these services and spectators’s parentses to sports schools. parents’s polled total number comes from 146, that supposes a 45 % of answer, an error of 6.14 and a confidence level of the 95.5 %. The analysis of data accomplished it with the statistical parcel SPSS 12,0, that he made the implementation of necessary statistical techniques for this investigation  possible. In relation to the principal aftermath we conclude that the expectations of the direct users of these services are to have fun, improving the health and the physical condition and incrementing the capability of performance. For his part, the parentses they have like expectations that his children and daughters have fun, improve his health and his physical condition and increment his social connections.

Keywords: Direct and Indirect Users, Expectations, Sports Service Student.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 1, 2007