Who is Ángel de Luna?

Ramon Balius

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Balius i Juli, R. (2003). Who is Ángel de Luna?. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 73, 118-119.



it is a pleasure to explain to the readers of Apunts. Physical Education and Sports who is Ángel de Luna. It is a pleasure to speak about an old sportsmen, which is currently a known artist.
Ángel de Luna was born in Barcelona in 1934. During his adolescence he coincided, in La Salle School, with Joaquín Blume, the unfortunate Catalan gymnast. without a doubt, from that friendship the liking of Ángel towards artistic gym, sport in which he was able to achieve a noticeable level. In the decade of the 50’s, golden age of Catalan gym, he won several Catalan and Spanish championships, with the team directed by the admired Blume. Artistic gym is one od the little sports in which the aesthetics and platics of the exercises are valued; it is not rare that the gymnasts pssess in their extra-sport activities and deep sense of art.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: July 01, 2003