The story of a town and the evolution of its games

Ismael Fernandez Usieto

Xavier Moreno Cabrera

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Fernandez Usieto, I., & Moreno Cabrera, X. (1997). The story of a town and the evolution of its games. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 48, 17-22.



This article attempts to make an approximation of what could be a new focus on the study of recreation through historic events. These processes of change social, economic, cultural, political… are directly reflected in the play activities native to that place.
We endeavor to show the possibility of investigating the “WHY” of a concrete play evolution. One finds play immersed inside a system, all the events of a place, are reflected in the rest of the components of the system, including recreation.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 1997