The meaning of the babies aquatic activities from an evolutionary perspective

Gil Pla i Campàs

*Corresponding author: Gil Pla Campàs

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Pla Campàs, G. (2007). The meaning of the babies aquatic activities from an evolutionary perspective. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 90, 5-11.



This work gets deeply into the evolutional comprehension of the aquatic activities of the baby. Its starting point is a methodological pose of philosophical nature which uses phenomenology (Husserl, 1999), from the existencialist undesrtanding (Sartre, 1999; Merleau-Ponty, 2000), as the way for discovering. From this stand, the research sequence and process is sustented in philogenetic approach (Fonseca, 1998) and studies the philogenetical and ontogenetical reasons who can explain the significance of the babies aquatic development onto the global development.


Keywords: Aquatic Activities, Baby, ontogénesis, Phenomenology, Philogenesis.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: October 1, 2007