Table 3
Resultados de la Results of the review: Match variables in rink hockey.
References | Objective | Type of study | Sample | Variables | Results |
(Arboix-Alió & Aguilera-Castells, 2018) | To study the advantage of scoring the first goal of the game in rink hockey and to identify its impact on the final result. | Original article | 240 matches in the Ok Liga and 182 in the First National Division. 2016-17 season. | Match result. First goal scored. Match location. | There is an advantage to scoring first in both leagues (64.14% and 62.91%, respectively). A significantly higher advantage in terms of scoring the first goal is obtained when teams are playing at home in the National First Division and a high correlation exists between the final performance of the teams (points obtained in the ranking) and the advantage of scoring the first goal. |
(Arboix-Alió et al., 2020) | To quantify and compare the home advantage in the men’s and women’s rink hockey leagues in the Portuguese professional first division. | Original article | 2,080 matches (n = 1,632 men’s league and n = 448 women’s league). 2009-2010 and 2016-17 seasons. | Match location. Goals scored by location. | Home advantage values were above 50% in both leagues, with significantly higher values in the men’s league (60.88% compared to 54.33%). Significantly more goals are scored when playing at home in both the men’s and women’s competitions with no differences between the two leagues. |
(Arboix-Alió & Aguilera-Castells, 2019) | To analyse the home advantage when playing in the Spanish men’s professional rink hockey league (Ok Liga). | Original article | 3,964 matches. Ok Liga season 1999-2000/ 2015-16. | Match location. Goals scored by location. Old regulation/new regulation. | Existence of home advantage in the Ok Liga at a value of 59.8%. Higher number of goals when playing at home. Decreased home advantage under the new regulations and increased number of goals per game. |
(Arboix-Alió et al., 2022) | To analyse and predict the influence of the different game variables in the end result of the rink hockey matches. | Original article | 440 matches. Ok Liga seasons 2017-18 and 2018-19. | Win at half-time (WH). Win by more than one goal at half-time (WHG). Match location (GL). First goal (SF). | The following variables were found to be predictive of victory: WHG (OR 4.47), WH (OR 3.35), SF (OR 2.05) and GL (OR 1.83). |
(Arboix-Alió et al., 2021c) | Set piece plays (FDH and PEN) and the final ranking of the teams. | Original article | 1,680 matches. 6,920 set piece actions (4,332 FDH and 2,588 PEN). Ok Liga seasons 2012-13 to 2019-20. | Points scored. Goals scored and conceded by FDH. %Efficiency of Goals scored and conceded by FDH. Goals scored and conceded by PEN. %Efficiency of Goals scored and conceded by PEN. % of total goals scored and conceded from set pieces. | Teams with a superior final ranking had a higher percentage of effectiveness in set piece play. The goalkeepers of these teams also had a higher success rate. Significant correlations were obtained between the final score and the variables. |
(Arboix-Alió et al., 2021f) | To analyse the home advantage when playing in the Spanish men’s professional rink hockey league (Ok Liga). | Original article | 196 matches. 621 FDH and 292 PEN. Top competitions. Ok Liga seasons 2009–10 to 2018–19. | Match location. Time of the match. Scoreboard status. Importance of play | Only the variable “scoreboard status” was significant. The players were more successful in FDH when they led by two goals (OR = 2.4) and in PEN by three or more goals (OR = 3.83). Players were less effective in FDH when down by two goals (OR = 0.38). Situational variables have little influence on set piece actions. |
(Arboix-Alió et al., 2021e) | To analyse the influence of set piece plays (FDH and PEN) on the outcome of the matches. | Original article | 161 matches (82 semi-finals and 79 finals). Top competitions. Ok Liga seasons 2009–10 to 2018–19. | Match result. Goals from set piece plays | Scoring more from set pieces than the opponent was associated with winning (OR = 6.1; 95% CI: 3.7, 10.0). More relevant in imbalanced matches (OR = 19.5; 95% CI: 8.6, 44.3) than in balanced matches (OR = 2.3; 95% CI: 1.2, 4.5). |
(Arboix-Alió et al., 2021a) | To analyse the predictive value of different situational variables interacting with each other on the outcome of matches. | Original article | 238 matches. Ok Liga season 2017-18. | Team level. Opponent level. Match location. Score the first goal. Result at half-time. | The variable with the highest predictive power was the score at half-time, followed by the level of the opponent, the level of the team itself and the location of the match. |
(Arboix-Alió et al., 2021d) | To analyse the influence of spectators on the performance of rink hockey teams. | Original article | 1,665 matches (654 Ok Liga, 497 1a Divisao, and 514 Serie A1). | Spectator presence. Match location. Goals scored. Set piece plays. Fouls committed. Cards received. | The HA phenomenon was not eradicated despite playing without spectators, but decreased from 63.99% to 57.41% (p = .002). Playing without spectators damaged the performance of local teams, especially in the Portuguese and Italian leagues. |
(Camões et al., 2022) | To analyse the correlations between the team’s set pieces plays and the overall performance of the team. | Original article | 182 matches. 1st Division (Portuguese season 2018-19). | Goals scored. Goals conceded. Free kicks. Penalties. Points at end of season. | Teams with a superior final ranking had a higher percentage of effectiveness in set piece play. The lower the final ranking, the higher the percentage of goals scored from set pieces compared to the total number of goals scored (1st to 4th: 15.3%; 5th to 9th: 25.6%; 10th to 14th: 23.9%; p < .05). |
(Gómez et al., 2011) | To analyse home advantage in nine professional team sports in Spain (including rink hockey). | Original article | 1,200 matches. Ok Liga season 2005-2006/2009-2010. | Match location. | Existence of home advantage in the Ok Liga at a value of 58.3%. |
(Kingman & Dyson, 1997) | To study the influence of the scoreboard, time of match and pitch position on the type of actions. | Original article | 2 matches. Premier League Roller Hockey. | Actions (intensity, direction and type of action). Match result. Time of the match. | No significant differences were found in actions according to player position. The scoreboard had a small effect on the shooting actions. The match timing conditioned the number of high-intensity actions, with this being higher in the first half. |
(Kingman & Dyson, 2001) | To analyse the shooting position and movement of goalkeepers during rink hockey matches. | Original article | 6 matches. 1st English Division. | Shooting location. Goalkeeper efficiency. | The highest percentage of shots were aimed at the bottom corners of the goal. Goalkeepers receive an average of one shot every 67 seconds. |
(Sousa et al., 2020) | To analyse the performance of goalkeepers and determine whether this is influenced by offensive patterns, actions and competence of opponents. | Original article | 1,713 shots. Portuguese 1st Division 2016-2017 season. | Context (1st half, 2nd half, scoreboard status, final result). Goalkeeper performance zone. Shooting zone. Goalkeeper technique. | Goalkeepers performed better in the first half when the score is a draw. Goalkeepers tend to be less effective when shots are aimed at the upper areas. The most common goalkeeper technique is “knee on the ground”. |
(Sousa et al., 2021) | To analyse the perception of rink hockey coaches on the use of match analysis as a tool for match preparation. | Original article | 7 coaches of Portuguese 1st Division. | Observation categories: goalkeeping action, overall game dynamics, attributes of opposing players, timing of the game, statistical data, behaviour of the opposing coach. | Video analysis proves to be the most widely used tool by rink hockey coaches. The main aspects to be observed are: analysis of the opposing goalkeepers and 5 specific match moments (defensive organisation, offensive organisation, defensive transition, offensive transition and set piece). |
(Trabal et al., 2020a) | To analyse the effect of situational variables of the match on the intervention of the rink hockey goalkeeper during free kicks. | Original article | 637 free kicks. Ok Liga season 2015-16. | Free kick result (goal/non-goal). Match minute, scoreboard status, point in the season, importance of the free kick and location of the match. | The match minute presented a significant relationship with goalkeeper effectiveness (χ2 = 17.665; Sig. = .04; p < .05; w = .167), an increase in the frequency of free kicks in the closing moments (43.96% are committed in the last 10 minutes of the match) and an improvement in the efficiency of the goalkeeper in critical moments (77.1%). |
(Trabal et al., 2020b) | To identify the most frequently occurring goalkeeper and player behaviours in the FD and determine their influence on FD effectiveness. | Original article | 637 free kicks. Ok Liga season 2015-16. | % free kick efficiency. Player behaviour. Goalkeeper behaviour. | No significant relationships between player and goalkeeper behaviours on FD effectiveness. Players, highest % result in zone 3. |
(Trabal et al., 2019a) | To identify the technical skills of the rink hockey goalkeeper in free kicks. | Original article | 637 free kicks. Ok Liga season 2015-16. | % free kick efficiency. Goalkeeper technical ability. | The technical skills most utilised by the goalkeeper are PASV (hurdling) (35.6%) and PNTLL (screening) (24.6%). |
(Trabal et al., 2019b) | To determine if there is a relationship between free kicks and the final ranking of teams in rink hockey. | Original article | 240 matches. Ok Liga season 2015-16. | % free kick efficiency. Team ranking. | No significant correlation between FD variables (number of goals, number of FDs and percentage of effectiveness) and the final ranking of the teams. |
(Trabal et al., in press) | To compare performance variables between the national championships of Spain (OK Liga), Portugal (1st Division) and Italy (Series A1). | Original article | 1,665 matches (654 Ok Liga, 497 1a Divisao, y 514 Serie A1). | League. Goals scored. Set piece plays. Fouls committed. Cards received. | In Spain, teams score fewer goals per game (3.18 vs. 3.66 and 3.76 in Portugal and Italy). In Portugal, there are more penalty and free kick shots and goals, more fouls and cards and a higher percentage of goals from set pieces in relation to total goals. |