Table 2
Data concerning intervention programmes.
Art. | Objective | Type of study | Time | Variables | Measuring Instruments | Conclusions |
1. | Investigate the effects of yoga on visual attention, visual motor perception, hyperactivity and attention deficit. | Pret-Post (EG1: 15; EG2: 15; CG: 15) | 12 weeks 24 ss/30 m | Visual attention, visual motor perception and attention deficit and hyperactivity behaviours | Visual attention test (NEPSY), visuomotor accuracy (NEPSY II), ADHD Rating Scale-IV | Children who participated in the yoga programme improved their executive functions, attention deficit and hyperactivity. |
2. | Evaluate the impact of academic lessons, integrating PA, on early literacy, rhyme and alliteration. | Pret-Post-Post (EG: 39; CG: 15) | 8 months 300 m/wk | PA, early literacy (picture naming, rhyme and alliteration), teacher satisfaction | IGDI, SOFIT, teacher satisfaction survey | A PA programme led by a teacher is effective in increasing PA and improving early literacy. |
3. | Determine the impact of lessons integrating PA on early literacy. | Pret-Post-Post (EG: 24; CG: 30) | 6 months 300 m/wk | BMI, PA, early literacy skills, teacher satisfaction | Digital weighing scale, portable stadiometer, IGDI, SOFIT, satisfaction survey | The programme promotes daily PA, improves literacy and reduces BMI increase. |
4. | Determine the effect of a low-cost, teacher-led intervention programme. | Pret-Post-Post (EG: 51; CG: 21) | 6 months 30 m/day | PA, early literacy, teacher satisfaction | IGDI, SOFIT, teacher satisfaction survey | Academic lessons delivered through PA improve early literacy. |
5. | Determine the effects of outdoor games prior to a learning experience on inhibitory control and attention. | Pret-Post (EG: U; CG: U) | 2 weeks 2 ss/ 60 m | PA, inhibitory control, attention, age, gender, socioeconomic status | Behavioural coding scheme, observation scale | The intervention improved attention and inhibitory control in learning sessions. |
6. | Investigate the effect of integrated PA on geography tasks and learning. | Pret-Post-Post (EG1: 28; EG2: 29; CG: 30) | 3 ss/week | PA, geography learning and children enjoyment | Accelerometer, memory tests, satisfaction questionnaire | The programme improved moderate and intense PA and learning of geography content. |
7. | Evaluate the effects of an integrated PA programme on the learning process of science content. | Pret-Post-Post (EG1: 30; EG2: 27; CG3: 29) | 4 weeks 4 ss/10 m | PA, science learning and children enjoyment | Accelerometers, memory test, satisfaction questionnaire | Science learning in the integrated and non-integrated PA condition is greater than in the control condition. |
8. | Evaluate the effects of a PA programme and body movement on Italian vocabulary learning. | Pret-Post-Post (EG1: 31; EG2: 23; EG3: 31; CG: 26) | 4 weeks 2 ss/15 m | PA, foreign languages vocabulary learning | Free and key memory test, accelerometers | Children in the integrated PA condition achieved better learning results in Italian vocabulary. |
9. | Evaluate the use of structured motor activities to teach mathematics and languages. | Post test (EG: 20) | 30 m/4 days x week | Language comprehension and mathematics, children enjoyment | Recording, research diary, observation sheets, reflective notes, and semi-structured interview | Movement experiences can improve understanding of mathematics and languages content. |
10. | Analyse the effectiveness of a programme based on PA and gestures on motivation and learning English vocabulary. | Pret-Post (EG1: 22; EG2: 38; CG: 28) | 5 weeks 2 sessions/ week 1h | Vocabulary learning, motivation, socio-demographic variables | “Smiley scale”, vocabulary checklist, ad hoc questionnaire | PA is an effective motivational resource that improves academic performance and learning English vocabulary. |
11. | Examine the effectiveness of the CHAMP programme on motor skills and self-regulation. | Pret-Post (EG: 68; CG: 45) | 5 weeks 15 sessions/ 40 m | Motor skills and self-regulation | TGMD-2, Kindergarten Self-Regulation Assessment reward introduction task | The CHAMP group significantly improved motor skills and maintained self-regulation scores. |
12. | Prove that integrating movement into the learning environment contributes to improved academic achievement. | Pret-Post (EG1: 61; EG2: 54; CG: 45) | 145 days 90 m/day | Languages, mathematics and non-verbal language | MAT, CRT, SPM Matrices, Ordinal number sequencing test | Conscious movement improves academic achievement. |
13. | Examine the relations between motor and executive functions, and test the effects of an acute coordinated intervention in Physical Education. | Pret-Post (EG: 48; CG: 53) | 25 minutes | PA, executive functions, motor functions and task order | Polar Watch RS800sd, H1 sensor belt, “Simon says”, “hearts and flowers task”, M-ABC2 | No effect of an acute coordinated intervention on executive functions was revealed. |
14. | Examine whether learning foreign languages vocabulary through PA and gestures leads to better results and enjoyment for children. | Pret-Post (EG1: 23; EG2: 23; CG: 21) | 4 weeks 8 sessions/ 1 hour | Learning foreign languages vocabulary, children enjoyment | “Smiley scale”, vocabulary checklist | Instructional methods that combine PA and gestures are learning enhancers. |
15. | Verify the effects of PA on self-regulation in a sample of kindergarten children. | Pret-Post (EG1: 12; EG2: 13; EG3: 12; CG: 12) | 15 minutes | PA, self-regulation, cognitive control (reactive/ proactive) | HTKS, General Dynamic Coordination Test | More demanding coordination activities improved self-regulation and cognitive control. |
16. | Investigate the effectiveness of the “Walkabouts” active breaks programme on attention and behaviour. | Pret-Post (EG: 158; CG: 87) | 7 weeks (20 days) 3 times/ week | PA, self-regulation, attention, student and teacher enjoyment | Teacher diary, SOSMART, SWAN | The programme facilitated learning and academic performance by increasing attention and self-regulation. |
17. | Investigate the effects of the PA programme (mini-trampoline) on the development of executive functions (EF). | Pret-Post (EG: 29; CG: 28) | 10 weeks 20 m/day | PA, inhibitory control, working memory and cognitive flexibility | Accelerometer, SCA, WMS, FIS | The programme was not sufficient to improve executive functions. |
18. | Examine the effects of a structured PA programme on EF and perceived physical competence, compared to recess. | Pret-Post (EG: U; CG: U) | 3 months 30 m/day | Demographic and anthropometric data, executive functions, perceived physical competence | Demographic questionnaire, executive function measure, Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance | The intervention significantly increased executive functions. |
Note 1. Pre test (Pret); Post test (Post); Control Group (CG); Experimental Group (EG); Minutes (m); Sessions (ss); U: Unknown |