Table 1

Results of the neuromuscular effects of isoinertial training.

Author(s)YearEffects of isoinertial training (results)Sample characteristic 
(Beato et al.)
(Kowalchuk and Butcher)

(Suchomel et al.)

Hypertrophy – Increased strength and power. 
Maintenance of lean mass in the face of sarcopenia

Maximise muscle size, strength and power
Older adults

Review study
(Bruseghini et al.)2019Increased anatomical cross-sectional area (quadriceps). Lean tissue preservationOlder adult subjects
(Fisher et al.)2020Improves muscle speed and strength. Reduces the incidence of lower limb injuries (especially the biceps femoris)Sports and rehabilitation
(Hedayatpour and Falla)2015Increased passive muscle tension. Maintenance of force levelsReview study
(Illera-Domínguez et al.)2018Increase in strength and power in the knee (28% knee extension CIVM) – Hypertrophy of the quadricepsYoung people
(Lastayo et al.)2017Low energy cost – High muscle force production – Reduces losses in muscle size, strength and mobility. Reduces the risk profile for falls in older adultsOlder adults
(Maroto-Izquierdo et al.)2017Functional and anatomical changes and improvement in performanceSports-people
(Norrbrand et al.)2010Increased MVC and specific strength of the training. Higher mechanical stressHealthy, non-active men
(Núñez et al.)2018Improvements in lower extremity muscle volume and functional performancYoung male team sports players
(Onambélé et al.)2008Increased tendon stiffness of the gastrocnemius. Improvement in the individuals’ postural balanceOlder adults
(Petré et al.)2018Increased strength and power. HypertrophySports-people
(Sañudo et al.)2019Improves balance, functional mobility and muscle powerOlder adults
(Tesch et al.)2017Useful tool to improve neuromuscular function in both clinical and healthy populationsHealthy, sedentary, or physically active people and populations with muscle wasting, disease, or injury
(Tous-Fajardo et al.)2016Improvement in CD capacity, linear velocity, and reactive jumpingSports-people
(Walker et al.)2016Increase in maximum force production, work capacity, and muscle activationStrength-trained men
(Wonders)2019Muscle activation – tendon elongation and stiffnessAthletes in rehabilitation
Note. MVC: maximum voluntary contraction; CD: change of direction. Source: prepared internally.