Table 1
Observation instrument.
Criterion | Category and code | Description |
Constraint (CON) | Bounce (NBR) | The game is played with a no-bounce rule. |
Movement (MVT) | There is also the obligation to receive and pass in movement. | |
Five passes (PS5) | The game is played with the obligation to make at least five passes before taking a shot on goal. | |
Team (TEA) | Orange (ORA) | The orange team attacks |
Blue (BLU) | The blue team attacks | |
Beginning (INI) | Goalkeeper (GOA) | The attack begins with a goal throw |
Recovery (RCU) | The attack begins after the ball is recovered | |
Free throw/throw-in (FTT) | The attack begins after a throw-in or free throw | |
Number of players (NPL) | One (ONE) | One player has possession of the ball during the attack |
Two (TWO) | Two players have possession of the ball during the attack | |
Three (THR) | Three players have possession of the ball during the attack | |
Four (FOU) | Four players have possession of the ball during the attack | |
Number of passes (NPA) | From zero to two (P02) | Between zero and two passes are made during the attack |
From three to five (P35) | Between three and five passes are made during the attack | |
From six to eight (P68) | Between six and eight passes are made during the attack | |
Nine or more (P99) | Se realizan nueve o más pases durante el ataque | |
Moving the ball (MTB) | Long pass (LPA) | The opponent’s half is reached after a long pass |
Short pass (SPA) | The opponent’s half is reached after a short pass | |
Movement with ball (BSE) | The opponent’s half is reached after a player executes a movement with the ball | |
Opponent’s half (AOH) | The attack begins when the team is already in the opponent’s half | |
Own half (NOT) | The attack does not reach the opponent’s half | |
Collective behaviours (TAC) | Pass and move (PAM) | The first tactical resource used by players is pass and move |
Cross (CRO) | The first tactical resource used by players is the cross | |
Exchange (EXC) | The first tactical resource used by players is the exchange | |
Block (BLO) | The first tactical resource used by players is the block | |
Force switch of defender (FSD) | The first tactical resource used by players is to force a switch of defender | |
Free play (NTR) | Free play, using no tactical resource | |
Finishing (FIN) | Shot (SHO) | The attack ends after a shot |
Loss (LOS) | The attack ends after a ball loss | |
Interruption (INT) | The attack ends with an interruption, without the team losing possession of the ball: free throw, throw-in or referee intervention. | |
Finishing zone (ZON) | Left (LZO) | The attack ends in the left sector of the opponent’s half |
Right (RZO) | The attack ends in the right sector of the opponent’s half | |
Centre (CZO) | The attack ends in the central area of the opponent’s half | |
Own half (OWH) | The attack ends in the team’s own half | |
Finishing action (FAC) | Feint (FET) | The player finishing the attack executes a feint just before taking a shot, losing the ball or there is an interruption |
Finishing action (FAC) | Lose marker (LOM) | The player finishing the attack loses their marker just before taking a shot, losing the ball or there is an interruption |
Movement with ball (MOB) | The player finishing the attack executes a movement with the ball just before taking a shot, losing the ball or there is an interruption | |
Pass or reception (POR) | The player finishing the attack makes a passing reception error just before taking a shot, losing the ball or there is an interruption | |
Solo attacker (SOL) | The player finishing the attack takes a shot on goal after receiving the ball without the presence of a defender. |