Table 1

Indicators for the document content analysis.

Methodological elementsParticipants0. Unspecified students
1. Non-university education students
2. University education students
3. Teaching staff
4. Parents/guardians
5. Specialists
6. Students with SNES
Type of school1. Specific school
2. Ordinary school
Educational stage1. Preschool
2. Primary
3. Secondary
4. Pre-university
5. Higher
Specific need for educational support1. SEN
3. Specific learning difficulties
4. HA
5. Personal conditions or family history
6. Late joining the educational system
PEType of work1. Review article
2. Instrument validation
3. Trial
4. Intervention analysis
5. Book or chapter
PE content block1. Body schema and autonomy
2. Motor skills
3. Expressive skills
4. Physical fitness and health
5. Games and sport
6. Activities in the natural setting
Tipos de actividad física1. Aerobic
2. Anaerobic
3. Mixed adapted games
4. Paralympic programme
5. Non-adapted sports skills
ResultsResults1. Competencies
2. Learnings
3. Education in values
4. Student motivation
5. Attitudes, perceptions or beliefs
6. Respect for and appreciation of diversity
7. Inclusion
8. Self-concept or self-efficacy
9. Curriculum design
Source: own compilation.