Table 1

Summary table of the Specific Qualities and their approaching levels or nature

Approaching levelsGeneralTargetedSpecialCompetitive
Changes of rhythm

Accelerations / Decelerations

Changes of rhythm

Changes in amplitude and frequency of supports

Control of running for passing and shooting actions
Linear displacements at different speeds with changes of direction

Displacements between 5-12 m focusing on accelerations and decelerations

Resisted displacements

Displacements over small obstacles

Stride amplitude displacement changes of support amplitude and frequency
Same actions as general work but introducing a ball, before, during and after

Pass and overlap

Passing sequence

Circuit with combined displacement actions
Situations played
Position game
(3v3 + 2) Area 14×12, (4v4 + 3) Area 16×18
(4v4 + 2), Area 18×20

Situation game
(5v5 + 3) Area 20×24, (6v6 + 3) Area 22×26
(7v7 + 3) Area 29×25 (8v8 + 3) Area 30×26

Structured SSGs
(3v3) (3v3 + 1), (4v4) (4v4 + 1)
(5v5) (5v5 + 1), (6v6) (6v6 + 1)

Area ½ pitch, box to box

Friendly match
Actual play
11v11 official match situation
Throw off balance


General proposal for large muscle groups

Self-loading proposal / Medicine ball

Proposal of tasks with partners

Grabbing, throwing off balance and pushing
Proposal on and off ball in small areas

Proposal for fight game actions with circuits
Position game
Situation game
Structured SSGs
Competitive units
Friendly match
Actual play
11v11 official match situation
Actions in the air (Clearing/heading)

Drives (Clearing/heading)

General proposal for large muscle groups.

Proposal with belts, resistance bands.

Successive jumps over hurdles with different amplitudes and heights
Proposal of tasks on and off ball

Proposal of centre and heading tasks in both offensive and defensive actions
Competitive units
Friendly match
Actual play
11v11 official match situation
On-the-ball action


General proposal for large muscle groups

Passing tasks with displacements

Accuracy passing tasks
Passing sequence
Circuit with combined passing actions with teammates and opposition with displacements
Proposal of tasks with shooting
Position game
Situation game
Structured SSGs
Competitive units
Friendly match
Actual play
11v11 official match situation