Table 4

Behavioural and interactional variables according to the type of ball recovery or ball development before the last pass (RDB) for each type of penetrative pass.

First Defender (DD)
Close marking2102
Defensive space management6 a0116
Defensive recovery20 b1693
Defensive vigilance11 c1312
Second Defender (DI)
Close marking7 e131
Defensive space management21d17 f14 h6
Defensive recovery5 e5 g5 i3
Defensive vigilance6 e7 g03
Centre of the Game (CJ)
With pressure2201
With no pressure37282112
Spatial Pattern of Interaction Between Teams (CEI)
Versus offensive live006 m0
Versus mid line9 k2113 l6
Versus back line21 j1827
Note. PPspia = Short penetrative pass preceded by and individual action; PPlpia = Long penetrative pass preceded by an individual action; PPspca = Short penetrative pass preceded by a collective action; RDB = Ball recovery or ball development before the penetrative last pass; RDBbc = Ball recovery or ball development before the last pass by ball control; RDBrb = Ball recovery or ball development before the last pass by running with the ball; RDBsp = Ball recovery or ball development before the last pass by
a short pass. Frequencies with different subscripts at each column and criterion differ at p = .05, one-tailed z-test.