Table 1

Observation system for active breaks in teaching, SODAE, adapted from the OSMOSTI system (Observational System of Motor Skills, Space, Time and Interaction) (Castañer et al., 2020).

MOTOR SKILLS (ME)LocomotionLOCLocomotion actions (eg trips)
StabilitySTBActions without displacement (e.g. balancing, jumping, turns)
ManipulationMANManipulative actions (with objects or persons)
CombinationCOMCombination of the above motor skills
No motor involvementNMIThere is no motor component
SOCIAL INTERACTION (SI)Great groupGGRelating in a large group
Small groupsSGRelate in smaill groups
In pairsIPRelate in pairs
No social interactionNSIThere is no relationship with others
USE OF SPACE (US)Spatial directionCSDChange in spatial direction
Spatial levelCSLChange in the spatial level
Same spaceMSSMaintain the same space
Combination of spaceCVPCombination of variations in body posture/gestures and spatial direction
STUDENT PARTICIPATION (SP)The whole groupGPThe whole group (great participation)
High participationHPThe whole group except 1-4 students (high participation)
Average participationAPThe entire group except 5-10 students (average participation)
Low participationLPThe whole group except 11 or + students (low participation)
ACADEMIC CONTENT (AC)Academic contentIACIntegrated academic content
No academic contentNACThere is no integration of academic content
RESOLUTION COGNITIVE (RC)Resolution cognitiveCRECognitive resolution exists
No cognitive resolutionNCRNo cognitive resolution