Study about the invisible schools in “Apunts” magazine (1964-1993)

Francisco Calatayud Miquel

Isabel Balaguer

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Calatayud Miquel, F., & Balaguer Sola, I. (2000). Study about the invisible schools in "Apunts" magazine (1964-1993). Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 61, 6-23.



In this work, we analyse the structure of different groups of authors from the “Apunts” journal along with the topics on which these professionals, coming from diverse fields in sports between 1964 and 1993, have written. It has been a matter of our interest to know the evolution of Physical Education and Sport Sciences by means of journal that has widely proved to be of greatest relevance and possess such a long career. We decided to end our period of study a year after the 92′ Olympic games. There are two important milestones in its history: In 1964, the year when the creation of “Apuntes de Medicina Deportiva” took place; and 1985, the year “Apunts” was first published. In our study, we have taken into account the two periods covered by this journal. In the first epoch, it solely dealt with sport medicine, a newborn science among sports sciences in our country. Moreover, many other articles from other different sport sciences were also published, i.e. Physical Education, Psychology, Sociology, etc. The second period arrives along with the foundation of “Apunts. Educación Fisica,” when Physical Education achieves a major relevance in comparison to the other sport sciences mentioned above. We have defined “invisible colleges” as groups of authors that appear linked together for having signed several articles in collaboration. In order to analyse these “Invisible Colleges” emerged in the “Apunts” journal, we have carried out a bibliographical research by means of the the articles published in “Apuntes de Medicina Deportiva” and “Apunts. Educacia Fisica i Esport”.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 01, 2000