Sport initiation in primary education: teacher’s opinion about phsical education

Francisco Javier Castejón

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Castejón Oliva, F. J. (1997). Sport initiation in primary education: teacher's opinion about phsical education. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 48, 24-33.



The present article is a study on the use of sport as a content in physical education classes at Primary Education level. Firstly, we examine the reasons to include sport as a part of physical education classes, from a curricular point of view and also from de perspective of various authors who consider sport with an educational focus.
To establish a relation between the theoretical and practical point of view a questionnaire was distributed among 207 physical education teachers of Primary Education in the MEC territory. The results show clearly the use of sport in the classes, through its already evident treatment in the programs made up by the teachers.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 1997