Del sentimiento acrobático de la vida (del cuerpo)
Javier Olivera Betrán
Mila García Bonafé entrevista a Eulàlia Vintró
Mila García
Programation and didactic intervention in school sports (I). The teachnique of teaching
Jesús Viciana Ramírez
The programation and didactic intervention in school sport (II). Contributions of the different styles of teaching
Jesús Viciana Ramírez,
Miguel Angel Delgado Noguera
From didactic act to curriculum theory or from physical exercise to curriular design and development of motricity
Onofre R. Contreras Jordán
Content stucturation criteria for the Area of Physical Education in ESO
Luis A. Ramos Mondéjar,
Fernando del Villar Álvarez
Relationship beetween the sport coach formation and the Physical Education teacher formation
Dr. Sergio José lbariez Godoy,
Dr. Jesús Medina Casaubón
Especial Physical Education: attitude and formation of adolescents in High School in the city of Barcelona
Dr. Javier Hernández Vázquez,
Víctor Hospital i Tort
Some theory and practice aspects in the survey elaboration in the school field
Antonio Tinajas Ruiz
Action and Adventure spaces
Dr. Javier Mendiara Rivas