Sobre el modelo corporal de la mujer
Javier Olivera Betrán
Fernando Barbeito entrevista a D. Iñaki Urdangarín
Fernando Barbeito
Cardiac frequency in real time and through telemetry for aquatic applications
Salvador Llana,
Arturo Forner,
Sabina Català,
Eric Delory,
J. Vicente Durà
Study fo the recuperation in three forms of intermitent effort: aerobic, threshold and anaeorbic
Francisco Javier Calderón Montero,
Carlos Gonzalez Herrero,
Victoria Machota,
José Luis Brita-Paja
Neuromuscular adaptations during strength training in men of different ages
Mikel Izquierdo,
Xavier Aguado
Critical points of the starting stretch in wieght-lifting
Philippe Campillo,
Claude Hertogh,
Jean Paul Micallef
Estimated oxygen consumption in fencing competitions
Xavier Iglesias,
Ferran A. Rodríguez
Biomechanics as an analysis tool of the technique in fixed bar
Alberto García-Fojeda,
Michel Marina,
Pere Galán,
Bertomeu Munar
Valoration and training of the abdominal strength-resistance: comparative validity and reproducibility of three test of evaluation in tennis players
Narcís Gusi,
Juan Pedro Fuentes
Morphoogical and functional characteristics of sport aerobic
Jesús López Bedoya,
Mercedes Vernetta,
Juan Carlos de la Cruz
Offensive and deffensive coefficients. A contribution to the praxic study of team sports
Mario Lloret
Training intensity valoration through the cardiac frequency in volleyball
Gerard Moras,
Carlos Zurita
Vision and sport: towards an integrating methodology. An example in basketball
Joan Solé,
LLuïsa Quevedo,
Marcel·lí Massafret-Marimón
El tenis, un deporte poético
R. Balius Juli
Los deportes tradicionales: aproximación antropológica
Salvador Olaso
Presentación – Apunts 55
Mila García
Se busca: entrenador/a para equipo femenino. Recompensa: la satisfacción por el trabajo bien hecho
Susanna Soler Prat