Vision and sport: towards an integrating methodology. An example in basketball

Joan Solé

LLuïsa Quevedo

Marcel·lí Massafret-Marimón

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Solé Fortó, J., Quevedo, L., & Massafret, M. (1999). Vision and sport: towards an integrating methodology. An example in basketball. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 55, 85-89.



“Vision in sport” is a specialised section of optometry that consists of a group of techniques aimed at bettering and preserving visual function with the idea of raising sporting output, implying a process by which the visual behaviour needed in the practice of the different sporting disciplines are shown (Sole, 1996). In a large number of sports, the greater part of the information is received via the visual system. The importance of vision is sport, evidently will depend on its characteristics extrinsic and intrinsic. Rocagli (1990) makes a difference between sports of installations closed and open. The first are characterised by a stable context, with a boring or monotonous visual stimulation. Inside this group we can point out swimming, where the swimmer can close their eyes without endangering their performance. The second group is characterised by a dynamic atmosphere, in continuous change. They are those disciplines in which, to use the same analogy, the sportsmen can never shut their eyes, due to the situation of their opponents, the ball, etc., changes all the time.
In this article we concentrate on a sport of open context and super changeable; basketball.
Our proposal intends to include inside the classic content of basketball training, a visual component totally specific and connected with all the characteristics implicit in this sport. In this way, the same exercise, apart from carrying the usual technical, tactical, physical and psychological charge, can be completed with a visual one. For this reason, we always try to recommend tasks whose contents include different objects “useful tasks” that definitely provide the individual with a correct training from a global perspective of the game. To apply this philosophy it is necessary to count on a methodology, and evidently, a few ways. Our contribution is laid out in the following pages.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: January 01, 1999