Review of various aspects of the influence of fathers and mothers in the practice of Physical activity and sport

Beñat Amenabar Perurena

Juan José Sistiaga Lopetegui

Enrique García Bengoechea

*Corresponding author: Beñat Amenabar Perurena

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Amenabar Perurena, B., Sistiaga Lopetegui, J. J., & García Bengoechea, E. (2008). Review of various aspects of the influence of fathers and mothers in the practice of Physical activity and sport. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 93, 29-35.



In this work we have tried to check what the scientific literature us has contributed in the analysis of the influence that the parents and the mothers exercise in the practice of the physical activity and the sport. In this respect, we have tried to organize this information and to present it so that it could serve as base for future works of application in this field. The works that we have compiled refer to aspects as relevant as the motivation, the self-perceptions and the attitudes. In turn we have found references to the systems of beliefs and works related to the affectibility. Across this information we try to summarize the influence that significant others exercise in order that the practice of the children approaches more the purposes with which it has appeared.

Keywords: Fathers/Mothers, Motivation, Physical Activity, Selfperception.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 01, 2008