Putting nuances to our knwoledge of sport participation. An empirical-analitical model to investigate environmental participative difference

José Antonio Serrano Sánchez

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Serrano Sánchez, J. A. (1999). Putting nuances to our knwoledge of sport participation. An empirical-analitical model to investigate environmental participative difference. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 56, 71-86.



In this article we try to convey the theoretical aspects and the procedures followed to bring about a comparative analysis of environments of sports practice within the same social system and from a quantitative point of view. We deal with epistemic problems, proposing as a unit of observation and analysis the position of participative binomial, composed of a subject and one single practical mode. Analysing the standardised relationships between both, can determine, a priori or a posteriori, various practical environments. For the quantitative treatment of this new analytical unit, we propose a change in the data matrix. Following the perspective a priori for the determination of environments, we suggest a formal procedure to classify our observations in various practical environments and so proceed to its later analysis. We propose an algorithmic relatively simple model that gives starting values different from the various ambiental patterns of relationship between the subject and the modality practised. We put forward results concerning the differences found in a whole of personal and familiar variables, which suggest the need to blend the knowledge that we have of some variables that influence behaviour in the face of sports practice.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 1999