Psychology and Sport: The athlete’s self-skills

Joan Riera

José Carlos Caracuel

Joan Palmi

Gabriel Daza

*Corresponding author: Joan Palmi

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Riera, J., Caracuel, J. C., Palmi, J., & Daza, G. (2017). Psychology and Sport: The athlete’s self-skills. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 127, 82-93.



In this article, we strive to define concepts and classifications from the field of sports psychology. We start by presenting the concept of the “athlete’s self-skills” as an alternative to the inaccurately named psychological skills. We then provide a succinct definition of mind as process and we suggest a functional classification of these skills, namely (the athlete’s) self-knowledge based on the interpretation of interoceptive information, proprioceptive information, affective bonds, evaluation of the environment and personal reflection. Finally, we associate the athlete’s self-skills with the intervention of the coach and the sports psychologist based on the performance state model, with a review of the competences needed to achieve this state. In the conclusions, we provide a representation of the interaction among the different sources of self-knowledge.

Keywords: Integrated Training, Performance ­State, Psicología del Deporte, Psychological Skills, Self-Regulation, Self-Skills, Sports Psychology.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: July 15, 2016

Accepted: December 9, 2016

Published: January 01,2017