Poverty and Sport
Javier Olivera Betrán
Poverty has been a historical reality in the world that even now, in the era of globalization and with formidable means of communication and omnipresent social media, we have not been able to eradicate. Sport can and should be a powerful tool for reducing poverty and social exclusion in the world. Its globalizing impetus, its world economic power, its ability to drive and attract mass audiences, its condition of being based on equal opportunities and its capacity for integration and social cohesion make sport into a fundamental pillar in the fight against poverty. In the face of moral poverty, sport with other supranational institutions advocates the construction of a universal ethical code.
ISSN: 1577-4015
Published: October 01, 2010
Editor: © Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de la Presidència Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC)
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