Physical education, sport, and diversity in High School

Francisco Javier Hernández Vázquez

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Hernández Vázquez, F. J. (2000). Physical education, sport, and diversity in High School. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 60, 6-12.



This article relates the concepts of diversity, sport and physical education in the field of education, and more specifically, in secondary education. We introduce the concept of diversity as a concept to pay attention to the differences between people and students who are not integrated. Related to this concept, we have to bear in mind aspects like segregation, discrimination and margination in which certain students with special educative needs can find themselves. In this case we find students with special educative needs who, for their seriousness, are situated in special centres and who do not receive physical education classes because there is no physical education teacher. To give educative answers, in the area of physical education we find curricular adaptations and curricular diversification. But for this reason, it is necessary that physical education teachers improve their formation. Because of this, the teachers recognise a series of educative limitations to care for diversity like: patience, tolerance and comprehension which are necessary attitudes and ways of behaviour for students with especial educative needs; lack of material and installations, and didactic aspects. Finally, in this way of improvement to make a more definite educative reply, we find works of variable credits —of adapted sport, introduction to the knowledge of sport and adapted physical activities, analysis of adapted tasks, etc— which try to improve the answer for students with special educative needs.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: April 01, 2000