Physical condition changes related to health in women participating in a municipal aerobic dance program

Belén Tabernero Sánchez

José G. Villa Vicente

Sara Marquez

Juan García López

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Tabernero Sánchez, B., Villa Vicente, J. G., Márquez Rosa, S., & García López, J. (2000). Physical condition changes related to health in women participating in a municipal aerobic dance program. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 61, 74-79.



The relations between physical activity and health can be studied through the changes produced in the level of physical condition. Different studies come to the conclusion that, both the increase in the practice of habitual physical activity and the physical condition of the participants, are connected to an improvement in health levels.
The different prescription programs of physical exercise vary according to intensity, length of time, frequency and the type of activity. In this work we have analysed one type of physical activity, aerobic dancing, so as to examine the effects that the participation in a program of six months produces in different components of physical condition related to health.
The components of physical condition valued were maximum consumption of oxygen, body composition, muscular strength and resistance, and flexibility. The results obtained show significant changes in some of the components of physical condition related to health, such as a lower percentage of fat, and an increase in muscular strength and resistance in the lower limbs and stomach muscles.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 01, 2000