Methodological aspects of the sports initiation into invasion sports: a horizontal approach

Víctor Tejeiro Sandomingo

Paola Isabel Martínez Señor

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Tejeiro Sandomingo, V., & Martínez Señor, P. I. (2006). Methodological aspects of the sports initiation into invasion sports: a horizontal approach. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 83, 35-42.



The characteristics that are common to Invasion Sports: perceptive and decision predominance, open skill nature, similar tactical principles, etc. determine the methodological singularity in the Teaching / Learning process, allowing a horizontal approach to this group of sports too. The need for meaningful learning, the use of tasks of semi-defined nature, as well as the prevalence of task change over the teacher’s verbal explanation, are the basic characteristics of the methodology that is used. The pedagogical sequence of the task presented in this article is based on the need for adjustment of the task to the student’s level of competence. The teacher will not determine the behaviours to use. If the behaviours are inappropriate, task instructions will be changed and the strategies will only be verbalised when they belong to the learner’s experimental universe.


Keywords: Alternative Sequence of the Task, Invasion Sports, Models of Sports Initiation, Semi-Defined Tasks, Sports Initiation, Verbal Explanation.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2006