Knowledge about Heart Rate and the Perception of Intensity of Exertion among University Students in the last year of Physical Exercise and Sport Sciences

Antonio Som Castillo

Mikel Zabala Díaz

Estefanía Sánchez Sánchez

Cristóbal Sánchez Muñoz

Jorge Ramírez Lechuga

*Corresponding author: Antonio Som Castillo

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Som Castillo, A., Zabala Díaz, M., Sánchez Sánchez, E., Sánchez Muñoz, C., & Ramírez Lechuga, J. (2010). Knowledge about Heart Rate and the Perception of Intensity of Exertion among University Students in the last year of Physical Exercise and Sport Sciences. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 101, 66-74.



Objective: The purpose of the study is to discover the theoretical knowledge that university students doing the last year of the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences degree at the University of Granada have about Heart Rate (HR) and Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) as basic tools to control and prescribe Physical Activity (PA) at different levels of intensity. Methods: A descriptive study by means of a specific questionnaire with 15 questions was carried out (modified from Zabala, Dugdill, Doran, Femia & Viciana, 2003) with a sample of 266 students (23.6 ± 4.8 years) from the last year at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at the University of Granada (Spain). Data collection was conducted in the 2006 and 2007 academic years. Results: In general, 34.3% of men and 30.9% of women answered the questionnaire correctly. 30% of men and 40.6% of women had never previously used a HR monitor, and 68.7% of men and 72.3% of women did not know about the concept of HR reserve. A % of men and 78.5% of women did not know about any RPE scales. Finally, 77.5% of men and 82% of women perceived their real HR in a range that exceeded &plusmn 10 beats per minute. Conclusion: The findings demonstrate the inadequate initial academic training of students finishing the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at the University of Granada (Spain) about the basic concepts to be used to measure or prescribe different levels of PA. Results show the need to go deeper into these and other issues connected with the degree programme, so these students are better trained for their professional futures.

Keywords: Frecuencia Cardíaca, Health, Heart Rate, Physical Activity, Rating of Perceived Effort, Sport Performance.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: October 31, 2008

Accepted: November 16, 2009

Published: July 01, 2010