Josep Maria López-Picó, poet

Ramon Balius

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Balius i Juli, R. (2005). Josep Maria López-Picó, poet. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 80, 77-80.



Josep Maria López-Picó, poet, born in Barcelona in the year 1886, has been one of the most outstanding catalan intellectuals of the first half of the XX century. He studied letters and was the boss of the Department of the Diputation of Barcelona, perpetual Secretary of the Society of the Country’s Friends, and member of the Institute of Catalan Studies. His first books were a great success and literary influence. According to Albert Manet, “from an introspective point on, follows a spiritual evolution to the search of God, the show of the city, the taste for the intellectualized image and the epigram. Further on, to these reasons there is added the love, home, friendship, homeland, and the ideal ethics of men […]
It’s a metaphysic and conceptual poetry, with symbolisms difficult to interpret, which sometimes is abrupt or circumstamtial, generally with little musicallity”. After the Civil War, that as we will see deeply traumatized him, he came closer to Claudel and the apologetic and teologic topics.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: April 01, 2005