Exploration of Formative Assessment Systems among University Students in the Province of Huesca

Sonia Asún-Dieste

María Rosario Romero Martín

Miguel Chivite Izco

*Corresponding author: Sonia Asún Dieste sonasun@unizar.es

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Asún Dieste, S., Romero Martín, M. R., & Chivite Izco, M. (2017). Exploration of Formative Assessment Systems among University Students in the Province of Huesca. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 127, 52-58. https://doi.org/10.5672/apunts.2014-0983.es.(2017/1).127.05



This study explores from the perspective of the students the formative assessment experienced in the initial training of physical education teachers in public higher education in the province of Huesca. We used a questionnaire with a sample of future teachers in their last year. Data analysis was performed using the statistical package SPSS 17.0 and we calculated the means, standard deviations and relative frequencies of each of the responses. The results indicate that students perceive an acceptable consistency between the evaluations designed and applied by faculty and also between the formative assessment system and the rest of the elements of their programs. As for the cognitive abilities that they acknowledge activating in the evaluation, the students perceive discrepancies between those that they believe they use most frequently (knowing) and those that they consider most appropriate. The assessment instruments most used by the faculty according to the students are reports, albeit with little difference from written tests, but they consider practical tests to be more consistent. In conclusion, students perceive consistence between what is planned and designed by faculty and the formative assessment system they carry out, but there is less agreement in some of the actions related to evaluation from the point of view of faculty and students.

Keywords: Formative Assessment, Higher Education, Initial Teacher Training, Students’ Perceptions, University Teaching.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: October 28, 2015

Accepted: July 20, 2016

Published: January 01, 2017